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Moderate economic growth, yet risks have increased

SEB Pank

Economic statistics for the past week revealed that the Estonian economy grew a lot more last year than was previously thought. The growth of GDP in the second quarter can also be regarded as being good. At the same time,

SEB: The gap between industry and trade is widening

SEB Pank

Last week several updates on some important economic indicators were published. Unfortunately the news were mainly negative – industrial production is falling, orders are decreasing and employee’s pay is not growing from the company’s increasing income but from investments. Industry

Swedbank flash comment: Estonia


Cheaper energy behind deflation • Consumer prices dropped further in August • Cheaper energy behind the decline in prices • Inflation expected at -0.2% in 2015 and +1.9% in 2016 August deflation numbers were in line with our expectations. In

Swedbank: The Estonian Economy


Why worry about wage growth?  Wage growth accelerated again Not sustainable in the longer term Exports have to recover Wage growth accelerated again Gross wage growth has been around or above 5% since 2011. In the first half of 2015,

Swedbank: The housing affordability index for Baltics


The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 133.2 in Vilnius, 151.8 in Riga, and 150.6 in Tallinn In Tallinn, affordability rose marginally by 1.4 points in the second quarter this year compared with the same period in 2014, due to

Employee numbers rising in spite of declining sales

SEB Pank

The ending week will be remembered by many for the nervous decline of the stock markets. Despite these uncertain times, the global economy is on track for growth. In Estonia, initial data published for the economic performance of businesses in

Lower tax rates and prices lifted real wage income

Eesti Pank

Data from Statistics Estonia show that the growth in average gross wages accelerated to 5.8% in the second quarter of 2015, from 4.5% in the first quarter. Tax changes that took effect this year supported the 7.3% rise in the

The fall in prices in June was caused by external factors

Eesti Pank

Data from Statistics Estonia show that the consumer price index was 0.1% lower in June than a year earlier and 0.2% lower than a month earlier. Preliminary estimates show that harmonised consumer price index inflation in the euro area slowed

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 131.5 in Vilnius, 149.1 in Riga, and 144.1 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose marginally by 0.9 point in the first quarter this year compared with the same period in 2014, due to a 36-basis-point-decrease in interest rates. In Riga, the HAI increased by 2.1 points because wage growth outpaced

Stable prices make saving attractive even with low interest rates

SEB Pank

Rapid inflation, both before and after the economic crisis, made borrowing favourable in each of the Baltic States and reduced the point of depositing money – due to the rapid decrease in the purchasing power of money, real interest rates

Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS-i aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kutse ja päevakord

Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS-i (registrikood 10830872, asukoht Tallinn, A.Lauteri 5) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku 17. juunil 2015. a kell 14.00. Üldkoosoleku toimumise koht on ettevõtte asukoht aadressil Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5 (III korrus). Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS-i nõukogu määras alljärgneva

Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

29. aprillil 2015. aastal peetud AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek otsustas: 1. 2014.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine ja ülevaate andmine aasta majandustulemustest ning perspektiividest Otsustati kinnitada ASi Merko Ehitus 2014.a. majandusaasta aruanne ning võtta teadmiseks juhatuse poolt antud ülevaade jooksva

Arco Vara AS-i korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

23.04.2015 toimunud Arco Vara AS-i aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis vastu järgmised otsused: kinnitada Arco Vara AS-i 2014. aasta majandusaasta aruanne. jaotada 31.12.2014 lõppenud majandusaasta puhaskasum summas 803 tuhat eurot alljärgnevalt: maksta dividendi 0,01 eurot aktsia kohta, kokku summas 61 170,12

AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade

ASi MERKO EHITUS, registrikood 11520257, asukoht Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, juhatus kutsub ASi MERKO EHITUS aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokku kolmapäeval, 29. aprillil 2015.a. kell 10.00, hotelli Nordic Hotel Forum konverentsisaalis Arcturus (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn). Üldkoosolekul osalemiseks õigustatud aktsionäride

Arco Vara AS-i auditeeritud konsolideeritud 2014. aasta majandusaasta aruanne

Põhilised näitajad Kontserni 2014. aasta müügitulu jätkuvatest tegevusvaldkondadest on 9,2 miljonit eurot, mis on 1,5 miljonit eurot (ehk 14.6%) vähem võrreldes 2013. aastaga. Teenindusdivisjoni müügitulu on kasvanud aastaga 6% 3,1 miljoni euroni. Arendustegevuse 2014. aasta müügitulu oli 6,5 miljonit eurot

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22.10.2024 Nõuete esitamine ehitise puuduste korral ja müügigarantii rakendamine