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Acceleration of GDP growth was expected


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP growth in Estonia accelerated to 1.7% yoy in 1Q 2016, while compared to the previous quarter (seasonally and working day adjusted) remained flat. On the supply side, continued robust growth of

Arco Vara AS-i korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

Arco Vara

10.05.2016 toimunud Arco Vara AS-i aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis vastu järgmised otsused: Kinnitada Arco Vara AS-i 2015. aasta majandusaasta aruanne. Jaotada 31.12.2015 lõppenud majandusaasta puhaskasum summas 467 tuhat eurot alljärgnevalt: maksta dividendi 0,01 eurot aktsia kohta, kokku summas 61 170,12

Ober-Haus: Baltimaade hinnaindeks 04/2016


Apartment prices in Vilnius increased by 0.6% to 1,352 EUR/sqm in April 2016. During a year apartment prices in Vilnius increased by 4.6% and since the last lowest price level in May 2010, apartment prices are higher by 17.1% (by

Eften: Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kutse ja päevakord


Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS-i (registrikood 10830872, asukoht Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku 18. mail 2016. a kell 11. Üldkoosoleku toimumise koht on ettevõtte asukoht aadressil Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5 (III korrus). Balti Kinnisvaraportfell AS-i nõukogu määras

SEB: The home loan market continued to grow in Estonia and Lithuania

SEB Pank

The growth of the home loan market, which started three years ago, continued through 2015 in Estonia and Lithuania, with the volume of loans growing by 4.3 and 4.7 per cent respectively, as indicated by the SEB Baltic Household Outlook.

Arco Vara AS aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS-i (registrikood 10261718; aadress Rävala pst 5, Tallinn) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimub 10. mail 2016 kell 10.00 Tallinnas, aadressil Rävala pst 3, Radisson Blu Sky Hotel saalis Lübeck+St Peterburg. Korralise üldkoosoleku päevakord 1. 2015. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

SEB home purchasing power index: new apartments in Tallinn more accessible than in the other Baltic capitals

SEB Pank

Analysis by SEB has revealed that 2015 saw the accessibility of new apartments improve in both Riga and Vilnius, yet decrease in Tallinn. Despite the decline, new apartments are more affordable in Estonia than in the capitals of Latvia or

Economic growth slowed to 1.1% in 2015


In 2015, economic growth amounted to 1.1% in Estonia as the volumes of stocks and exports decreased. We expect GDP growth to accelerate to 2.3% in 2016 on the back of higher exports and investments. In 2015, economic growth reached

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 129.2 in Vilnius, 160.1 in Riga, and 153.4 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 4.2 points in the fourth quarter last year compared with the same period in 2014, mainly due to a 6.6 % rise in net wages, which continued to surpass the apartment price growth. In Riga,

Wage growth at around 6% for the second year in a row in 2015


Average monthly gross wage increased by 6.0%, net wage in real terms by 8.0% in 2015 We expect average gross wage and real net wage to grow by around 5% in 2016 Average monthly gross wage amounted to 1,065 euros

Unemployment rate on the rise


Employment and unemployment both increased in Q4 of 2015. In 2016, we expect unemployment rate to grow and employment to decline a bit. Unemployment rate increased a bit to 6.4% in the last quarter of 2015 (6.2% in 2015 as

Weak export demand behind the sluggish economic growth


According to the flash estimate of Statistics Estonia, GDP grew by 0.7% yoy in Estonia in 4Q 2015. The growth rate met our expectations. Compared to the previous quarter, GDP grew by 1.2% (seasonally and working day adjusted). In 2015,

Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in 2015


Cheaper energy behind the decline in prices Inflation expected at around 1% in 2016 Consumer prices decreased by 0.5% in Estonia in 2015. Consumer prices declined due to lower energy prices. Motor fuels were 14%, heat energy 4%, and electricity

SEB: Export in need of momentum

SEB Pank

The busy statistics calendar of the past weeks has not made it possible to give due attention to everything that is important. Consequently, this weekly commentary will address the foreign trade and registered unemployment statistics, were published already at the

The housing affordability index (HAI) increased to 130.9 in Vilnius, 159.8 in Riga, and 146.8 in Tallinn


In Tallinn, affordability rose by 4.9 points in the third quarter of this year compared with the same period in 2014, mainly due to a 7.9% rise in net wages, which was higher than apartment price growth for the first

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03.-06.03.2025 Kinnisvaramaakleri ABC