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Home loan takers expect the bank to turn attention to the quality of the property acquired with the loan

Just 13 per cent of those surveyed (incl. 11 per cent of Estonian-language and 23% of Russian-language respondents) said that the borrower should be free to decide which property to buy and in what condition and that the bank should

Estonian families usually do not borrow in order to invest in real estate

SEB surveyed the motives underlying the decision to buy a new home for customers who took out a home loan in the period after the economic crisis, and their attitudes towards real estate as an investment. It transpired that 35

Arco Vara AS-i korralise üldkoosoleku otsused

05.06.2014 toimunud Arco Vara AS-i aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis vastu järgmised otsused: 1. Kinnitada Arco Vara AS-i 2013. aasta majandusaasta aruanne. 2. Suunata 31.12.2013 lõppenud majandusaasta puhaskasum summas 3 427 165 eurot eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumisse. 3. Valida üheks aastaks

Eften: Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kutse ja päevakord

Balti Kinnisvaraportfell ASi (registrikood 10830872, asukoht Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku 30. juunil 2014 kell 10. Balti Kinnisvaraportfell ASi nõukogu määras alljärgneva üldkoosoleku päevakorra: 1. 2013. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine Juhatuse ettepanek: kinnitada 2013. majandusaasta aruanne.

ASi Järvevana aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade

ASi Järvevana, registrikood 10068022, asukoht Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, juhatus kutsub ASi Järvevana aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku kokku kolmapäeval, 11. juunil 2014.a. kell 10.00, hotelli Nordic Hotel Forum konverentsisaalis Arcturus (Viru väljak 3, Tallinn). Üldkoosolekul osalemiseks õigustatud aktsionäride ring määratakse

Arco Vara AS aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek

Arco Vara AS (registrikood 10261718; asukoht Jõe 2B Tallinn) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimub 5. juunil 2014 kell 10.00 Tallinnas, aadressil Viru Väljak 4, Sokos Hotel Viru saalis Polero. Korralise üldkoosoleku päevakord: 1. 2013. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine ja kasumi jaotamine

Merko: Aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


30. aprillil 2014. aastal peetud AS Merko Ehitus aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek otsustas. 1. 2013.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine ja ülevaate andmine aasta majandustulemustest ning perspektiividest Otsustati kinnitada ASi Merko Ehitus 2013.a. majandusaasta aruanne ning võtta teadmiseks juhatuse poolt antud ülevaade jooksva

After the crisis years, clients’ choices of new homes are considered and based on long-term prospects

Held under the leadership of SEB last week, a meeting of real estate buyers and sellers confirmed that someone buying a new home today must both carefully consider their family’s actual needs and compare real estate offers that meet those

SEB analysis: a resident of Tallinn on an average income can only buy a standard apartment 8.1 square metres smaller than a resident of Riga

According to the SEB housing purchasing power index, in the last quarter of 2013 the accessibility of housing improved in both Vilnius and Riga but declined in Tallinn. In the last quarter of 2013, a resident of Riga on an

The financial means of Tallinn residents to purchase an apartment in dormitory suburbs are in a state of decline

In terms of current income and property prices, residents of Riga and Vilnius can now purchase a bigger standard apartment than a year ago, with the housing purchasing power index showing the biggest growth in Vilnius over the last 12

Statistics: Housing expenses have increased 8% within a year

Kinnisvaraanalüütik Tõnu Toompark, Adaur Grupp OÜ / Kinnisvarakool OÜ

According to Statistics Estonia the consumer price index of October is 1,5% higher than that one year ago. At the same time housing expenses have increased as much as 8% in one year. By today, in comparison with the year

Eesti suurim kinnisvara korrashoiu teenuseid pakkuv ettevõte sai uue juhi

ISS Eesti AS tegevjuhina asus tööle Madis Kase jäädes täitma ühtlasi ka ettevõtte finantsjuhi kohuseid, mis on olnud tema vastutusalaks alates 2008. aastast. Madis Kase on lõpetanud Stockholmi Kõrgema Majanduskooli Riias bakalaureuse kraadiga. Hetkel õpib ta Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ärikorralduse magistrantuuris.

Statistics: There are 159,411 residential mortgage loans in Estonia

Kinnisvaraanalüütik Tõnu Toompark, Adaur Grupp OÜ / Kinnisvarakool OÜ

The average residential mortgage loan in Estonia fell to €36,802 in Q3 2013. However, the changes are not significant – the loan balance a year ago was just 1% bigger than today. The average loan amount is decreasing mainly as

Apartments in NE Estonia cost as much as 1 sqm in Tallinn Old Town

Tõnu Toompark, real estate analyst, said that there are vast differences in prices in different parts of Estonia, but not in the number of property transactions per 1,000 people. “While in Estonia in average you have about 20 real estate

Economic Growth In Estonia Continues, But Slows In Q2 2012

According to a recent report on the Statistics Estonia site, economic growth in Estonia grew by two per cent y-o-y to Q2 2012. However, GDP only grew by 0.4 per cent, when seasonal and work-day factors are taken into account, between

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13.-16.01.2025 Kinnisvara ABC