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Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated unaudited results for Q1-Q3 2023

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the first nine months of 2023. Leasing activity Throughout Q1-Q3 2023, the Fund secured lease extensions with anchor

Nordecon: Construction contract (Golden Gate office building in Tallinn)


Nordecon AS and Rotermann Pluss OÜ, the owner of the Golden Gate office building being developed by US Real Estate, entered into a contract for the design and construction of the office building in Tallinn, located at Ahtri 6. The

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 9 months and 3rd quarter of 2023

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund earned a net loss of 16 thousand euros in the 3rd quarter of 2023, and 87 thousand euros in 9 months of 2023. The loss was due to the market value change in listed EfTEN Real Estate

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q3 2023 and 9 months


Hepsor’s consolidated revenue for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to 36 million euros, with a net profit of 4.8 million euros (including a share of 2.3 million euros for the parent company). In the third quarter of 2023,

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 3nd quarter and 9 months 2023

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

The increase in interest rates, which has been the main factor influencing the real estate sector over the past year, showed the first signs of stabilisation in the third quarter of 2023. Over three months, the EURIBOR, used as the

Kapitel: Arteri kvartali värskeim üürnik on TGS Baltic advokaadibüroo


Tallinna kesklinna kerkiva Arteri kvartali värskeim üürnik on TGS Baltic advokaadibüroo, mis kolib oma büroo kvartali 15-korruselise hoone 12. korrusele. Kogu kvartali pindadest 90% on välja üüritud, vaba on vaid ligi 1500 ruutmeetrit büroopinda ning valitud teeninduspinnad esimesel korrusel. Arteri

Kapitel: Elemental Business Centre büroohoonetele väljastati kasutusluba


Läti Riiklik Ehituskontrolli Büroo väljastas Riia Skanstese piirkonda ehitatud Elemental Business Centre büroohoonetele kasutusloa. Hoonete ehitus algas 2021. aasta septembris ning Kapiteli koguinvesteering projekti on üle 60 miljoni euro. Projekti arendaja on SIA Kapitel ning ehituse peatöövõtja SIA Merks. Praegu

Merko: Launch of the second stage of Mežpilsēta residential project (Riga, Latvia)

SIA Merks Mājas, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has launched the second stage of Mežpilsēta residential project in Mežciems area in Riga. One six-storey building with 47 apartments at Hipokrāta St. 18 will be completed at the end of

Arco Vara: The winner of the next stage of the architectural competition in Kodulahe has been revealed

Arco Vara

In the next phase of the Arco Vara Kodulahe development at Soodi 6, three different types of apartment buildings will be built, with a total of only 60 apartments and three commercial spaces. The winner of the architectural competition was

Kapitel: Arteri kvartalisse kerkiv Eesti kõrgeim büroohoone saavutas täiskõrguse


Eile toimus sarikapidu Tallinna kesklinnas Arteri kvartalis, mille koosseisu kuuluv Eesti kõrgeim büroohoone saavutas täiskõrguse ehk 111 meetrit. Ligi 90% kvartali pindadest on välja üüritud, ankurüürnik on Swedbank. Ligikaudu 150 miljoni eurose koguinvesteeringuga Arteri kvartal ja selle juurde kuuluv park

Kapitel: Arteri kvartali sarikapeol sündis maailmarekord kiikingus


Eile toimus sarikapidu Tallinna kesklinnas Arteri kvartalis, mille koosseisu kuuluv Eesti kõrgeim büroohoone saavutas täiskõrguse ehk 111 meetrit. Ligi 90% kvartali pindadest on välja üüritud, ankurüürnik on Swedbank. Ligikaudu 150 miljoni eurose koguinvesteeringuga Arteri kvartal ja selle juurde kuuluv park

Nordecon: Construction contract (Pirni 7/2 commercial building)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Eesti Talleks AS signed a contract for the construction of the commercial building on Pirni 7/2 in Tallinn. The first floor of the four-story building with a closed net area of 2,254

Kapitel: Arteri kvartalis on 86% pindadest välja üüritud

Tallinna kesklinna kerkivas Arteri kvartalis on 86% pindadest välja üüritud, kvartali ankurüürnikuks on Swedbank. Arteri kvartal ja selle juurde kuuluv park valmivad 2024. aasta kolmandas kvartalis. Kvartali ankurüürnik Swedbank kolib 2025. aastal oma peakontori Tallinnas Liivalaia tänava tänastelt pindadelt kvartali

Hepsor: Hepsor signed a contract worth EUR 5.2 million for the sale of a commercial building in Riga


On May 10, 2023, Hepsor Latvia OÜ, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS, signed a sales agreement for shares of Hepsor U30 SIA with the real estate fund East Capital Real Estate IV. The debt-free value of the company agreed upon

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q1 2023 marks as a start of new developments in AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, we took the decision to start the final stage of development in Kalaranna 8. This last and

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