Uudiste arhiiv


Kapitel: Arteri kvartalis on 86% pindadest välja üüritud

Tallinna kesklinna kerkivas Arteri kvartalis on 86% pindadest välja üüritud, kvartali ankurüürnikuks on Swedbank. Arteri kvartal ja selle juurde kuuluv park valmivad 2024. aasta kolmandas kvartalis. Kvartali ankurüürnik Swedbank kolib 2025. aastal oma peakontori Tallinnas Liivalaia tänava tänastelt pindadelt kvartali

Hepsor: Hepsor signed a contract worth EUR 5.2 million for the sale of a commercial building in Riga


On May 10, 2023, Hepsor Latvia OÜ, a subsidiary of Hepsor AS, signed a sales agreement for shares of Hepsor U30 SIA with the real estate fund East Capital Real Estate IV. The debt-free value of the company agreed upon

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q1 2023 marks as a start of new developments in AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, we took the decision to start the final stage of development in Kalaranna 8. This last and

Kapitel: Kapitel investeerib Riia bürooarendusse üle 60 miljoni euro, värskeim üürnik on Primend


Kapitel investeerib Elemental Business Centre büroohoonete arendusse Riias üle 60 miljoni euro. Ettevõte sõlmis ehituse finantseerimiseks 35 miljoni euro suuruse laenulepingu Swedbank Lätiga ning üürilepingutega on kaetud pool pinnast. Jätkusuutlikud ja energiatõhusad hooned on saavutanud täiskõrguse ning valmivad tänavu sügisel.

Arco Vara: Arco Vara unaudited consolidated interim report for Q1 of 2023

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The thrombosis in the real estate market eased in the first quarter of the year, as evidenced by the increased number of inquiries and transactions compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. The market is showing encouraging

Pro Kapital: The following construction phase of the Kalaranna District has started

Pro Kapital

The first 8 houses of the Kalaranna District on the boarder of Tallinn Old Town have been completed, and construction has now started for the next 4 houses of the Kalaranna District. In the current construction phase, 4 new houses

Kapitel: Elemental Business Centre’isse tuleb Spaces co-working ala


Riia Skanste piirkonda kerkivasse Elemental Business Centre’isse tuleb 2300 m² suurune paindlike kontorilahenduste ja co-working ala, mida hakkab opereerima valdkonna juhtiv ettevõte IWG oma kaubamärgiga Spaces. Elemental Business Centre’i müügijuht Imants Krēsliņši sõnul on Spaces plaanis avada selle aasta lõpus.

Arco Vara: 2022 Annual Report of Arco Vara

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The real estate market was clearly a rollercoaster this past year: the amount of capital being invested in real estate exceeded all expectations at the beginning of the year, the second half of the year was the

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for IV Quarter and 12 Months of 2022 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary 2022 has been a year to remember for AS Pro Kapital Grupp. The Estonian Chamber of Commerce awarded us the price as the most competitive real estate company in Estonia. The Competitiveness Ranking is a part

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated unaudited results for Q1-Q4 2022

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the twelve months of 2022. Net result and net rental income In 2022, the Group recorded a net

Arco Vara: Arco Vara unaudited consolidated interim report for Q4 and 12 months of 2022

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW Looking back on the real estate market of the previous quarter, the only word to describe it is “expectant”. Buyers seem to expect for sales prices of real estate to drop and sellers for the increase of

Kapitel: Arter kvartali kõrgeimasse hoonesse tuleb Tallinna suurim Spaces paindlike kontorilahenduste ja co-working ala

Tallinna kesklinna Arter kvartalisse tuleb ligi 3000 m² suurune paindlike kontorilahenduste ja co-working ala, mida hakkab opereerima valdkonna juhtiv ettevõte IWG oma kaubamärgiga Spaces. Tallinna suurim Spaces asub Eesti kõrgeima büroohoone 2.-6. korrusel ning mahutab üle 450 töökoha koos erinevas

Nordecon: Construction contract (Port Athena commercial and office complex)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Kaarsilla Kinnisvara OÜ signed a contract for the construction of a building complex in the Port Athena quarter at Tartu, Väike-Turu 7. The planned group of buildings consists of four six-story and

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund sold its share in the parking house of Europa Shopping Centre to UAB “Prime Location Property Fund” in Vilnius, Lithuania

Baltic Horizon

The owner of Europa Shopping Centre in Vilnius, BH Europa UAB, an SPV of Baltic Horizon real estate fund, signed and closed a real estate sale and purchase agreement with UAB “Prime Location Property Fund” on Friday, 30 December 2022,

Arco Vara: Unaudited consolidated interim report for Q3 and 9 months of 2022

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW The cooling of the real estate market in the third quarter did not cause panic in Arco Vara’s developments. The planned final sales of the Kodulahe quarter were held as expected and there was no visible concern

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12.03.2025 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine