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Arco Vara: 2023 Annual Report of Arco Vara

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW While 2021 and 2022 were a sprint on the real estate market, last year marked the start of a marathon in the heat of Euribor.  The base interest rates of the central bank have pushed both investors

Arco Vara: Tallinn City Government approved the detailed plan for the next stage of Kodulahe

Arco Vara

The Tallinn City Government approved the detailed planning for the next stage of Arco Vara Kodulahe development. At the address Soodi 6, three different types of apartment buildings are being built, with a total of only 62 apartments and four

Merko: Launch of the fifth stage of the Erminurme residential project (Tartu, Estonia)

OÜ Merko Kodud, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the fifth stage of Erminurme residential development project in Tartu Parish. The stage includes two buildings at Erminurme Road 2 and Erminurme Road 22 with 36 apartments,

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated unaudited results for Q1-Q4 2023

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the twelve months of 2023. Leasing activity Throughout 2023, the Fund secured important lease extensions with anchor tenants


Hea kinnisvarahuviline! Käesolevaga on meil heameel tutvustada Teile Nordic Real Estate Forum 2024 ärikinnisvara paneeli. Astu paati ja esita oma nägemus ärikinnisvaraturu arengutest, kohtume NREF 2024! 14:15-15:00 Commercial and Development Real Estate Panel: The Future of Workspaces: Trends and Predictions

Arco Vara: Arco Vara unaudited consolidated interim report for Q4 and 12 months of 2023

Arco Vara

GROUP CEO’S REVIEW In spite of the times with low sunlight, the team of Arco Vara showed excellent results in Q4. We got to enjoy the fruits of our extensive work and our customers got acquainted with the high level

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q4 and 12 months of 2023


Hepsor’s 2023 consolidated revenue amounted to 41.1 million euros, with a net profit of 3.5 million euros (including a share of 1.2 million euros for the parent company’s owners). The consolidated revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 5.1

Merko: Launch of the Õielehe residential project (Rae parish, Estonia)

OÜ Merko Kodud, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has decided to launch the first stage of Õielehe residential development project in Rae parish in Jüri. The development project includes in total ten apartment buildings with 121 apartments and four

Kapitel: Advokaadibüroo TARK kolib Arteri kvartalisse


Arteri kvartali üürnike sekka on lisandunud advokaadibüroo TARK, mis kolib kvartali 15-korruselise hoone 5. korrusele. Peamiselt äriõigusele spetsialiseerunud advokaadibüroo osutab õigusteenust koos oma partneritega terves Baltikumis. Arteri kvartalist on 96% välja üüritud, vaba on vaid 800 ruutmeetrit büroopinda ning valitud

Kapitelil valmis Riias 60 miljoni eurone bürooarendus


Riias valmis Eesti ettevõtte Kapiteli arendatud Elemental Business Centre, mille investeering on kokku üle 60 miljoni euro ning mis on 75% ulatuses välja üüritud. Tänaseks töötab siin kümne ettevõtte 500 töötajat, järgmised üürnikud kolivad hoonesse veebruaris. Silmapaistvate hoonete autor on

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund consolidated unaudited results for Q1-Q3 2023

Baltic Horizon Fund

Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the first nine months of 2023. Leasing activity Throughout Q1-Q3 2023, the Fund secured lease extensions with anchor

Nordecon: Construction contract (Golden Gate office building in Tallinn)


Nordecon AS and Rotermann Pluss OÜ, the owner of the Golden Gate office building being developed by US Real Estate, entered into a contract for the design and construction of the office building in Tallinn, located at Ahtri 6. The

EfTEN: EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 9 months and 3rd quarter of 2023

EfTEN United Property Fund

EfTEN United Property Fund earned a net loss of 16 thousand euros in the 3rd quarter of 2023, and 87 thousand euros in 9 months of 2023. The loss was due to the market value change in listed EfTEN Real Estate

Hepsor: Hepsor AS consolidated unaudited interim report for Q3 2023 and 9 months


Hepsor’s consolidated revenue for the first nine months of 2023 amounted to 36 million euros, with a net profit of 4.8 million euros (including a share of 2.3 million euros for the parent company). In the third quarter of 2023,

EfTEN: EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 3nd quarter and 9 months 2023

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

The increase in interest rates, which has been the main factor influencing the real estate sector over the past year, showed the first signs of stabilisation in the third quarter of 2023. Over three months, the EURIBOR, used as the

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03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus