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Pro Kapital: AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp tütarettevõtte ärinime ja põhikirja muutus

Pro Kapital

12.12.2023 kanti äriregistrisse AS Pro Kapital Grupp tütarettevõtte OÜ Ilmarise Kvartal uus ärinimi – OÜ PKE Treasury. Ärinime muutmisega seoses kinnitati põhikirja uus redaktsioon. Tütarettevõtte kinnisvaraalane tegevus on tänaseks lõppenud ja oleme otsustanud kontserisiseste laenude haldamise lihtsustamiseks ettevõtte töö ümber

Pro Kapital: Change in the business name and the articles of association of a subsidiary of AS Pro Kapital Grupp

Pro Kapital

On 12 December 2023, the new business name of OÜ Ilmarise Kvartal, a subsidiary of AS Pro Kapital Grupp, was entered in the commercial register – OÜ PKE Treasury. The new wording of the articles of association in connection with

Swedbank: ECB preview – The tail tries to wag the dog


Economy is in a (mild) recession, inflation below the ECB expectations. The ECB will probably lower inflation forecasts but is likely to push back against market expectations of imminent and rapid rate cuts. Economic activity remained subdued in November –

Nordecon: Information on the sale of subsidiary


At the 7 November 2023 meeting of the supervisory board of Nordecon AS (hereinafter the “Company”), it was decided that the Company’s 52% majority holding in OÜ Nordecon Betoon (hereinafter also the “Private Limited Company”) will be sold in full

Nordecon: 2023 III quarter and 9 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Economic environment The rapid changes in the construction market due to the economic environment have continued, complicating the growth plans of companies and other related industries in the sector, and limiting their courage to act. Coping with difficult circumstances and

Swedbank: Landing is getting harder


Manufacturing weakness is spilling over to the rest of the economy Core inflation finally starts dropping ECB hiking is done, cuts on the horizon In Europe, disappointing data continued pouring throughout the summer and into the fourth quarter. Manufacturing continued

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for II Quarter and 6 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q2 2023 marks as a continuation of the newly started developments of AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, the decision taken earlier in the year on starting the construction and sales of Kalaranna

Nordecon: 2023 II quarter and 6 months consolidated interim report (unaudited)


The dynamics of the construction market reflect the ongoing economic downturn and uncertainty about the future. Although the increase in the construction price index slowed in the second quarter of this year and the construction price index fell by 0.5%

Swedbank: Stability and Sustainability – Baltic and Swedish economies in doldrums


Sweden: Economic growth has weakened Baltics: Insufficient demand and falling inflation Risks: Even weaker demand, higher unemployment, geopolitical pressures, deglobalisation Sustainability: Continued improvements are needed Swedish economy showed more resilience than expected in the first quarter, although a substantial positive

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapitali nõukogu kinnitas 2023. a I kvartali ja 3 kuu konsolideeritud vahearuande (auditeerimata)

Pro Kapital

TEGEVUSARUANNE Tegevjuhi ülevaade 2023. aasta esimene kvartal tähistab AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp jaoks uute arenduste algust. Kinnisvaraarendus Tallinnas otsustasime alustada Kalaranna 8 arenduse viimase etapi ehitamisega. See etapp koosneb 146 korteri ja 4 äripinnaga neljast hoonest. Erinevalt varasemast otsustasime jätkata

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for I Quarter and 3 Months of 2023 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT CEO summary Q1 2023 marks as a start of new developments in AS Pro Kapital Grupp. Real estate development In Tallinn, we took the decision to start the final stage of development in Kalaranna 8. This last and

Swedbank: Not done yet, but start seeing tighter financial conditions


A smaller but not the final interest rate hike We reiterate our forecast of two more 25 basis points hikes in June and July As widely expected, the ECB governing council decided to raise all three key interest rates by

Nordecon: 2023 first quarter consolidated interim report (unaudited)


Uncertainty in the economy has not disappeared with the arrival of the new year, and the dynamics of the construction market is a direct reflection of this. Many private developments are frozen or on hold, public construction procurements have not

Merko: Notice on convening the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus

The Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus, registry code 11520257, seated at Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, will convene the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus on Thursday, 4 May 2023 at 13.00 at Nordic Hotel Forum conference centre

Pro Kapital: Pro Kapitali nõukogu kinnitas 2022. a IV kvartali ja 12 kuu konsolideeritud vahearuande (auditeerimata)

Pro Kapital

TEGEVUSARUANNE Tegevjuhi ülevaade 2022. aasta on olnud AS Pro Kapital Grupp jaoks mälestusväärne. Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda autasustas meid „Kõige konkurentsivõimelisem Kinnisvaraettevõte 2022“ auhinnaga. Konkurentsivõime edetabel on osa suuremast ettevõtluse konkursist Eestis, mida korraldavad omavahelises koostöös kolm organisatsiooni: Eesti Kaubandus- Tööstuskoda, EAS

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