Uudiste arhiiv


Notice of adoption of resolution of shareholders of Nordecon AS without convening the general meeting


The Management Board of Nordecon AS (the “Company”) (registry code 10099962, address Toompuiestee 35, 10133 Tallinn) proposes to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening the meeting in accordance with § 2991 of the Commercial Code in order to avoid gatherings during the

Merko Ehitus: Notice of adoption of resolutions of shareholders of AS Merko Ehitus without convening a general meeting

Merko Ehitus

The Management Board of AS Merko Ehitus, registry code 11520257, seated at Järvevana tee 9G, Tallinn, 11314, proposes to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening a meeting in accordance with § 2991 of the Commercial Code. The Management Board is making

EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS notice calling the annual general meeting of shareholders

EfTEN Real Estate Fund

The Management Board of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS (registry code 12864036; seat Tallinn, A. Lauteri 5) calls an annual general meeting of shareholders on 15 April 2021 at 10:00. Venue of the general meeting: Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia second floor conference

Information on the sale of holding in related company


Nordecon AS group company AS Tariston concluded with OÜ Tõrvatilk on 08 December 2020 an agreement to sell its 49% shareholding in a related company OÜ Pigipada. The purpose of the sale is to resolve the ownership of the aforementioned

Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for IV Quarter and 12 Months of 2019

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT Chairman’s summary  2019 was as a year of challenges, opportunities and acknowledgment, which is characteristic to many companies with an eye on the future and ambition for growth. The key focus of our work is on large-scale development

Pro Kapital Council approved Consolidated Interim Report for III Quarter and 9 Months of 2019 (Unaudited)

Pro Kapital

MANAGEMENT REPORT Chairman’s summary (abbreviated) Our key focus is set on large-scale development projects of residential and commercial quarters in all Baltic capitals – Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. With 25 years of experience and large portfolio we have a strong

PAKRI tööstuspargi juht: Hiina-Eesti tööstuspark on võimalik

Pakri Teadus ja Tööostuspark

Möödunud nädalal sTARTUp Day raames toimunud arutelul rääkis PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspargi tegevjuht Enn Laansoo Jr., et kuigi eelistatult näeks ta ettevõtte laienemist Eesti kapitali toel, siis näiteks Hiina-Eesti tööstuspargi idee oleks Paldiskis täiesti teostatav. Soome ettevõtja Peter Vesterbackaga kinnitas samuti, et investoreid nende tegevuskohast

PAKRI tööstuspargil sai valmis 2 jalgpalliväljaku suurune päikesepark

Pakri Teadus ja Tööostuspark

Detsembri viimastel päevadel valmis PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspargil Paldiski linna serval 2 jalgalliväljaku suurune päikesepark, mis võimsuselt suudaks ära katta ligi 300 kodumajapidamise energiavajaduse. Vastvalminud päikesepargi võimsuseks on ligi 1MW, mis on maksimaalne Euroopa Liidu toetuste eest rajatava päikesepargi võimsus

Rohetehnoloogiale keskenduv PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspark kavandab jõulist laienemist

Pakri Teadus ja Tööostuspark

Euroopas unikaalne rohelisest targast tööstuslinnast, taastuvenergia tootmisest ning rohetehnoloogia sektori kompetentsikeskusest koosnev PAKRI Teadus- ja Tööstuspark (PAKRI) kogub ühisrahastusplatormi Fundwise abil investeeringuid järgmise suurema laienemisetapi ettevalmistamiseks. Eesmärk on ühisrahastuse kaudu koguda 300 000 eurot, minimaaalne investeeringusumma on 500 eurot. Tänaseks

UMPA: Ära viivita innovatsiooniga


Läti Kinnisvara ettevõtete assotsiatsioon korraldas hiljuti esimese tehnoloogia konverentsi PropTech Riga 2018, mis tõi kokku suure hulga kinnisvara ja tehnoloogia ettevõtteid. Mul oli suur au seda kaks päeva väldanud sündmust modereerida. Allpool mõned mõtted, mis panid meid oma ettevõttes olulisi

Swedbank: Estonian enterprises need to put more effort in to improve their productivity growth


In a post-crisis period, the growth of Estonian labour productivity has been weak Estonian labour productivity is lower than majority of European Union member states Estonia is losing price competitiveness against main trade partners After the recovery from the financial

EstateGuru on peagi sisenemas Iiri turule


Eelmisel nädalal võtsid EstateGuru kaasasutaja ja CEO Marek Pärtel ning äriarendusjuht Daniil Aal osa Eesti peaminister Jüri Ratase visiidist Dublinisse, olles liikmed Eesti äridelegatsioonis. EstateGuru on Iiri turule sisenemist ette valmistanud juba viimased 12 kuud ning loodab juba peagi avada

Housing Loan Market Growth Is Supported By Property Values And New Borrowers

Tallinn Property

The number of transactions at the Tallinn apartment market is high and on an upward trend; also, the transaction prices are rising. The vast number of transactions and other positive trends of property market are to a large extent backed

SEB survey: Estonians have the strongest economic security and financial satisfaction among the Baltic states

SEB Pank

Estonian residents have more confidence in the economy and are more satisfied with their financial situation than their Latvian and Lithuanian counterparts, the SEB Baltic Household Outlook reveals. Seventy-three per cent of the Estonian population are moderately satisfied with their

SEB to issue home loans guaranteed by KredEx for the improvement of energy efficiency


SEB will begin to issue home loans to clients who are borrowing to buy, build or renovate their existing homes to make them more energy efficient and who wish to use a guarantee from KredEx for that purpose. “Any investment

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

12.03.2025 Kinnisvara arendusprojekti juhtimine