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Arco Vara AS uueks juhatajaks sai Kristina Mustonen

Arco Vara

Arco Vara nõukogu valis Arco Vara AS-i uueks juhatajaks Kristina Mustoneni. Vastavalt nõukogu otsusele algavad Kristina Mustoneni volitused 15. juulist 2024 ning kehtivad neli aastat. Kristina Mustonen on omandanud Estonian Business Schoolis magistrikraadi ärijuhtimise erialal. Ta töötas Maxima Eestis aastatel

Kristina Mustonen appointed as the new manager of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

The Supervisory Board of Arco Vara has appointed Kristina Mustonen as the new manager of Arco Vara AS. According to the decision of the Supervisory Board, Kristina Mustonen’s authority will take effect on July 15 2024 and will be valid

Nordecon: Ehituslepingu sõlmimine – Rail Baltica põhitrassi Hagudi-Alu lõik


AS Nordecon kontserni ettevõtte Tariston AS ja OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia sõlmisid ehituse töövõtulepingu Rail Baltica Raplamaa põhitrassi raudteetaristu III etapi ehitustöödeks lõigul Hagudi-Alu. Tööde käigus rajatakse kokku 7 kilomeetrit raudtee muldkeha, kaks loomatunnelit, Alu jalakäijate tunnel, lisaks juurdepääsuteed ja

Nordecon: Construction contract – Rail Baltica railway line Hagudi-Alu section


AS Nordecon group company Tariston AS and OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia signed a contract for the construction works of the III stage of the Raplamaa railway line infrastructure of Rail Baltica on the Hagudi-Alu section. During the works, a total

Muinsuskaitseamet: Estonia teatri juurdeehituse pärandimõju hinnang valmib sügiseks


Muinsuskaitseamet koostöös Kultuuriministeeriumi ja Tallinna linnaga on ette valmistanud UNESCO nõuetest tuleneva kohustusliku pärandimõju hinnangu koostamise Estonia teatri planeeritavale juurdeehitusele. Selle käigus analüüsitakse võimaliku arendustegevuse mõju Tallinna vanalinna kui UNESCO maailmapärandi paiga väärtustele. Pärandimõju hinnangu tulemuseks on hinnang Rahvusooper Estonia

Swedbank: Estonian household consumption recovery is bumpy, but purchasing power is improving


Estonian household consumption has been declining since the second half of 2022 and is still falling; however, real wages started to grow in the second half of 2023. Meanwhile, household confidence is at the level last seen during the Global

Baltic Horizon Fund general meeting of investors

Baltic Horizon

Extraordinary General Meeting of Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt holders took place on 2 July 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia. The proposed agenda of the meeting was the following: Resolution on the issuance of new units by way

Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its 2023 Annual ESG report

Baltic Horizon

Baltic Horizon Fund today announces the release of its fifth annual ESG report. Tarmo Karotam, Fund Manager for Baltic Horizon Fund, commented: “We are very pleased to present our new ESG report covering the fund’s operations for 2023. Environmental, social,

Merko: Additional works in the construction contract in Estonia (recreation complex in Valgamaa)

On 25 June 2024, AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, signed an addendum for the additional works under the construction contract with Jalaka Kinnisvara OÜ, with which the value of the previously concluded construction contract exceeded

Merko: Additional works in the construction contract in Estonia (tram line connecting Old Harbour and Rail Baltic’s Ülemiste passenger terminal in Tallinn)

On 14 June 2024, AS Merko Ehitus Eesti, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, and KMG Infra OÜ signed an addendum to the design and construction contract with Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department for the additional works of

Nordecon: Construction contract (Port Athena commercial and office complex)


AS Nordecon group company Embach Ehitus OÜ and Kaarsilla Kinnisvara OÜ signed a contract for the construction of a building complex in the Port Athena quarter at Tartu, Väike-Turu 7. The planned group of buildings consists of four six-story and

Baltic Horizon: Baltic Horizon Fund General Meeting – notice to investors

Baltic Horizon Fund

Northern Horizon Capital AS invites Baltic Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the “SDR”) holders (hereinafter together the “Investors”) to attend an extraordinary General Meeting (hereinafter the “General Meeting”) of Baltic Horizon Fund on 2 July 2024 at

Trigon Property Development: Notice of calling the annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development

Trigon Property Development

AS Trigon Property Development (registry code 10106774, address Pärnu mnt 18, Tallinn 10141, hereinafter the „Company“) calls the annual general meeting of Company’s shareholders, which shall be held at 10:00 on 26 June 2024 (here and hereafter Estonian time, GMT+3)

Swedbank: Economic recession continued at the start of 2024


Estonia’s GDP dropped 2.4% year-on-year in Q1 2024 in real terms (non-adjusted), according to Statistics Estonia. In quarter-on-quarter comparison, GDP continued to contract at the start of the year, falling by 0.5% (swda) in the first quarter. Nominal GDP growth

Arco Vara: Dividend payment ex-date of Arco Vara AS

Arco Vara

Arco Vara AS informs that the list of shareholders who are entitled to dividends shall be fixed on 6th of June 2024, as at the end of the working day of Nasdaq CSD Estonian Settlement System, and therefore the dividend

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Kinnisvarakoolis järgmisena:

03.10.2024 Kinnisvara müügikoolitus