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Statistics: 28 per cent of New Non-residential Space in Estonia is Located in Tallinn and Harjumaa

According to Tõnu Toompark’s Estonian property Adaur blog, it comes as no surprise that figures from the statistics office in Estonia show that the greatest part of non-residential permits to build originate in Harju county, the most populous county in

Statistics: 50 per cent of New Accomodation in Estonia is Made Up of 2 and 3 Room Apartments

According to a report on Tõnu Toompark’s Estonian Property Adaur blog, 50 per cent of new residential accomodation in Estonia consists of two and three room apartments. Tõnu bases his report on data from the Estonian statistics office. On the

Konverents „Tänased kinnisvaraotsused homse elukeskkonna kujundajana”

Juba 17. mail toimub MTÜ KinnisvaraMagnaadid ja Äripäeva koostöös korraldatud teine kinnisvarakonverents „Tänased kinnisvaraotsused homse elukeskkonna kujundajana”. See on jätkuks 2008. aastal toimunud konverentsile. Konverentsile on oodatud maaklerid, hindajad, haldajad, hooldajad, planeerijad, arendajad ja kõik teised kinnisvara valdkonnast huvitatud inimesed.

Smaller Forest Land Interesting To Domestic Investors In Estonia

Whilst the focus of this blog is on Tallinn, we sometimes like to focus on the rest of Estonia, both in terms of residential real estate and in other sectors, or related areas. This article is a translation of an

Economic Growth in Estonia Highest in Baltic States, EU

Estonia saw the highest economic growth in the EU in 2011 according to a report on Baltic Business News. Citing SEB bank’s Baltic Household Outlook, the article showed how in addition to Estonia’s impressive growth rate (7.6 per cent), neighboring Lithuania

Estonian Property Prices Rising Despite Most Countries Seeing A Fall

According to a recent  global property report from prestigious real estate company Knight Frank, whilst the general global trend for house prices is for a continuing  fall, Estonia is bucking this trend and seeing rising prices. Written by Kate Everett-Allen,

Colliers: Kinnisvaraturu ülevaade – Eesti, Läti, Leedu


Ilmunud on Colliersi kinnisvaraturuülevaated Eesti, Läti ja Leedu kohta. Ülevaate peamine esiletõste on tõdemus, et ärikinnisvara turud Baltikumi riikides näitasid 2011. aasta jooksul selgeid taastumise ja stabiilsuse märke – vakantsused alanesid, renditasemed kergelt tõusid ja ka arendustegevus näitas elavnemise märke.

Estonian Land Board – Seasonal Drop in Real Estate Sales For January

According to analysis of data concerning property prices and transactions from the Estonian Land Board as carried out by real estate firm 1Partner Kinnisvara, whilst January 2012 saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of real estate deals

Colliers International: Demand For Commercial Space To Increase

Here at Tallinn Property we like to focus on residential real estate, but it’s worth taking time out on occasion to examine how other areas of the real estate market are faring. Real estate analysts Colliers international’s monthly survey, when

Canadian Real Estate Company Enters the Estonian Market

SNC-Lavalin Homburg Property Management, a company owned by two Canadian capital holding companies, has opened an office in Tallinn. Similar ventures are also being opened in Riga and Vilnius. The company was founded by one of the biggest engineering, construction

Kinnisvarafirmade võrgustiku RE/MAX regioonifrantsiisi omandas Selestre OÜ


Detsembri lõpus allkirjastatud lepinguga omandas Selestre OÜ (RE/MAX Estonia) õiguse opereerida alates 01.01.2012 Eestis RE/MAX regioonifrantsiisi. PMSCS Regional Franchise Services GmbH (RE/MAX Europe), UAB “Baltic Franchises“ (RE/MAX Baltics) ja Selestre OÜ (RE/MAX Estonia) vahel sõlmitud lepingu kohaselt on RE/MAX Estonial

Empty Apartments In Estonia Creating More Problems

An increasing number of apartments in rural areas and small towns in Estonia are being left abandoned, as their owners seek employment overseas, according to a report by Sven Randlaid on the website of ERR, Estonia’s national broadcasting network, citing

Individuals In The Rental Market Need Tax Exempt Status

At a recent round table meeting of the EKFL (Eesti Kinnisvarafirmade Liit), an association of Estonian real estate agents, construction companies, developers and other related interests, on 26 October, the question of issues related to tax relief for rental income

Realtors Push for Tax-Free Rental Income

The Association of Real Estate Companies has announced that it is advocating tax freedom on apartment rental income for private individuals. Such a change, which the association decided to back after discussing the idea at its October 26 round table,

Realtors Push for Tax-Free Rental Income

The Association of Real Estate Companies has announced that it is advocating tax freedom on apartment rental income for private individuals. Such a change, which the association decided to back after discussing the idea at its October 26 round table,

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26.03.2025 Korteriühistu juhtimine – seadusandlus ja raamatupidamine